At Transpersonal Trips we share an expanded vision of the psyche and we are aware that many patients do not respond as expected to prescribed drugs and become chronic in their symptoms instead of transforming their lives and evolving towards a balance of their inner being. We offer a complement or alternative for those who are looking for another way to deal with their symptoms or who do not identify with a diagnosis, without offering unrealistic perspectives since healing requires a deep work to understand, integrate and transcend those aspects of oneself that one wants to resolve.

Psychiatry (psiqué = soul, and iatréia = healing) is usually defined as «the branch of medicine that specializes in the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of mental disorders». And mental health as «a state of successful performance of mental function resulting in productive activities, satisfying relationships with others, and the ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity.»

The transpersonal view of Psychiatry aspires to develop the highest potential of people since in our daily lives we experience only a small fraction of our full experiential potential, and in transpersonal states we move beyond our identification with the body and ego.

Our organic, psychogenic, or functional state began at some point in infancy and childhood. This changes if we broaden our understanding of the dimensions of the human psyche to include two additional levels raised by Stanislav Grof: the perinatal level (related to birth trauma) and the transpersonal level (encompassing ancestral, racial, collective and phylogenetic memories, karmic experiences and archetypal dynamics).

From this perspective symptoms are seen as a healing movement in the psyche, rather than a problem, being able to move «through» and «beyond» them, which is very different from what current psychiatry does where it is all about finding ways to suppress symptoms.

«Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.»

Carl Gustav Jung

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